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Rules & Regulations

General Information

  1. Transformers Run Singapore 2024 is organised by Alensia International Pte. Ltd. and Fenix Nuvo Sdn. Bhd. (referred herein as the "Organiser") and Orange Room Pte. Ltd. (referred herein as the "Event Delivery Partner")  in accordance with these Rules & Regulations that is applicable to the Participants, which can be found at ("Official Website”).

  2. Completion of the online entry form confirms the Participants' agreement to abide by the relevant Rules & Regulations of the Transformers Run 2024. These Rules & Regulations apply at the material time and to all and any ruling of the Event Delivery Partner.

  3. The Participant agrees to: (i) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about the Participant contained in the registration form (the "Registration Data"); and (ii) maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.

  4. Participants may be contacted from time to time by email. Any notice sent to the email address registered with the Event Delivery Partner shall be deemed as received by the Participant.

  5. The Organiser and Event Delivery Partner reserves the right to suspend and refuse Participants providing information that is untrue, inaccurate, dated or incomplete.

  6. Any disputes arising from participation in Transformers Run Singapore 2024 shall be referred to Arbitration under Singapore law. The appeal must be made in writing to the organiser within (30) thirty minutes of the release of the official results along with a deposit of SGD 50.

  7. The Organiser and Event Delivery Partner reserves the right to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other records of the Event for any legitimate purposes, including commercial advertising.

  8. Collected personal data may be shared with Hasbro Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries, and/or with other third parties for administrative and business purposes, or for cross-promotion. This may involve the storage, use, disclosure or other processing, or transfer of participant’s personal data out of Singapore.

  9. The Organiser and Event Delivery Partner reserves the right to amend the Rules and Regulations without giving prior notification or any reasons thereof.



  1. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel or postpone Transformers Run 2024 at any time without prior notice to the Participant, in which case they will make an effort to inform the Participant prior to the date of the event. If Transformers Run 2024 has to be cancelled or postponed, there shall be no refund of registration fees paid and the Organiser shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused.

  2. The Organiser reserves the right to set the fees for the different categories as expedient to its intents and purposes.

  3. Once the registration form has been duly processed, there will be no refund of registration fees for those participants who eventually do not take part in Transformers Run 2024, for whatever reason.

  4. A participant with a valid promotion code is required to enter the promotion code during online registration in order to enjoy the discount. No refunds or cash equivalents will be given for any unused promotion codes.

  5. No exchange of tee sizes and/or category allowed.

  6. Participants are strictly not allowed to transfer their race entries to another party or change race categories after their registrations are confirmed.

  7. The Organiser reserves the right to limit and refuse entries to prohibited areas without assigning any reasons thereof.

  8. The Organiser shall not be held responsible for any disputes arising from incomplete entry details.

  9. Participants below 18 years of age need to seek parental or guardian consent before participating in the event.

  10. The resale of race slot(s) at the same or any price in excess of the initial purchase price is prohibited. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel any registration that have been resold and to deny any such race slot entry.



  1. Participants below the age of 18 must seek parental or guardian consent in order to participate in the run. By filling and submitting the registration form, under aged participants are deemed to have received valid content from parents/guardians. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse participant entry if the terms are not met.

  2. Registrations will not be accepted after the official closing date which will be stated and announced on all Transformers Run 2024 official channels.

  3. Runners participating in the 800M Kids Dash (ages 4 years to 7 years old) MUST be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

  4. The 5KM Fun-Run, 1.2KM Kids Dash and 800M Dash are non-competitive categories.

  5. The Organiser and Event Delivery Partner shall not be held liable for any damages to/on the Race Bib and the Timing Device. The Organiser and Event Delivery Partner also reserves the right to charge the participants for a replacement bib and/or deny entry to a runner with a damaged Racing Bib and/or Timing Device.

  6. Competitive runners are required to pass through the Gantries set up at various points along the associated routes to ensure that their timings are recorded. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.

  7. Participants not wearing a bib will be taken off the course/route by the Officials and/or Marshals, and may result in disqualification.

  8. The runner’s particulars and timings will be recorded electronically. Runners who fail to bring or produce their Race Bib on the event day will not be allowed to participate and/or finish as competitive runners.

  9. The Organiser will not refund runners who forget to bring their race bib on Race Day and will be charged a $20 bib replacement fee to enter the start area.

  10. All participants must only wear their assigned Race Bib. Any and all exchanges and/or transfer of a Race Bib is strictly not allowed.

  11. Participant’s failure to observe the Rules and Regulations may result in immediate disqualification.

  12. The Organiser reserves the right to amend the Transformers Run 2024 routes as they deem fit for the safety of the Participants and/or to prevent any potential hazards in the running of the event, at any time without prior notice to the Participant. Every effort will be made to inform the Participant prior to the date of the event. The Organiser shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused due to such changes.

  13. Participants must wear their assigned number bib on his/her chest at all times during the race. Participants without the allocated bib number will not be allowed to take part in the race.

  14. The Organiser reserves the right to delay the commencement of the run in the event of inclement weather. Should the inclement weather persist after the delay, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel the race without refund of registration fees.

  15. The Organiser reserves the rights to replace any winners if he/she is found to be disqualified.

  16. Participants who do not start within 30 minutes from their respective flag off point will be disqualified and for safety reasons, are not allowed to start.

  17. Participants that commence before the actual start time of the race category for which they registered for will be disqualified. The start time for the respective race categories can be found on the Official Website.

  18. The Organiser will not be held responsible for any loss and/or damage, personal or otherwise, to the belongings and items deposited. The Organiser also reserves the right to check any item or baggage deposited.


Safety and Medical Advisory

  1. Whilst reasonable precautions will be taken by the Organiser and Event Delivery Partner to ensure the safety of participants, participants take part at their own risks and the Organiser and Event Delivery Partner, their sponsors and their appointed officials shall not be liable for any death or injury, loss or damage, suffered or otherwise, and howsoever arising.

  2. Should any Participant feel unwell in the course of the Race, he/she should stop and seek immediate medical attention from Race/Event Officials, Marshals or make way to the designated medical posts.

  3. Participants should prepare themselves adequately and gradually increase the duration and intensity of their training over several weeks prior to the event. Participants should ensure that they are well-rested and well-hydrated prior to the run.

  4. Participants are advised not to attend the event should they have any illness of any kind.

  5. The Organiser and Event Delivery Partner reserves the right to remove any participant deemed physically incapable of continuing with the run to prevent him/her from causing greater harm and injury to himself/herself.

  6. Participants are strongly encouraged to go for a medical examination and/or consult their medical practitioner prior to registration and before the actual race day.

  7. For the safety of participants, participants are advised to run on the designated route and observe traffic regulations.

  8. By registering/entering, participants are considered to take part at their own risks and the Organiser and Event Delivery Partner shall not be liable for any/all injuries or death, damages or any losses, whether it being personal or otherwise, prior, during and after participation in the Event.


Event Pricing

Please refer to our "Registration Page" for updated pricing. Do note that platform and GST fees apply. Do note that entry into Sentosa is included. Entry fee included for event participants (valid event bib will provide entry).

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